Monday, May 23, 2011

Jansen's Birthday XD

Hey ho !
Tonight i wanna share about my friend's birthday,Jansen  
haha his birthday isn't today but I just wanna review about that moment >_<
And wanna say Happy Birthday To Jansen once more.. LOL
i still remember the taste of the cake ! Yummy !
we celebrated his birthday at Cindy's house,,its on her theater room or something hahah
thx 4 Cindy  :) 
we hope he'll be a great man one day later ,, GBU :) 
Note 4 Jansen : Remember to treat us okay !! XP
These are some pictures to share,enjoy 
This is it!Jansen's cake from all us!


Jansen n Veli
Hey look at our Funny face ! Lmao :P

Best friends 4eva ( Michael n Jansen)

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